New term starts with a bang!!! big bang!!!
which is terrible sick followed me for more than a week.
It started when I cough blood before the squash and now with uncountable tissues on my desk.
But still life in Uni is awesome. I get to know new people. Some nice and some nasty ones for sure.
Another thing, I am now living with a bunch of British. They treated me okay and always invite me for anything they are doing. Consider quite nice as they did not threat me different.
Well, according to them, they don't see me different. They think that I am like them. hahahha....
omg.. I am half mat salleh now. Our flat claim ourselves as the alcoholic flat as everyone of us can drink. Well, I can but not much and not really liking it but them....woohoo!!!! Love it!!!
one thing, they do not force me. It's up to individual to drink what you want but must be alcohol. So what I do, I will pour 1 cm height of vodka and 5cm height of orange juice. Ratio 1:5. Them? 1:1.. hahhaha.....
Today, I cried. Amr left Uk and never come back. He will definitely be missed not only by me but others as well. He will be remembered as a nice, helpful, funny and kind person. Hope you will be successful in the other part of the world. Yes, he is going to study at New Zealand. Thousand and thousand miles away from here!!!! All the best!
Last week, I went Caving. OMG.... it was awesome!!!! I love it to the max.
Just sharing it with bell over msn just now. It's muddy, wet, cold, slippery but that is the fun of it!!
I cannot wait to go for another trip which is in south of wales..... yeah... I am coming. This time, I assume the cave will be even more challenging!!!! That's what I am aiming for! To conquer it.
Okky told me the longest cave in England is 75 KM. If the club really aim for that, I think we have to camp in the cave for a week to finish it!!! Wow, cannot imagine that.
Besides caving, I went for my first paintball in my life. I cannot say it was my type of game but I truly enjoy it. Although I got bruises all over my leg, but its alright. Cuz it is for Amr!!!
But 3 out of 5 games, I am the first one who got shot! I am so noob at this. hahha.... fall down too many times. ohya... on that day, there is this male dog keep on fucking with xyuro's hand... it was so disgusting!!! and funny too!!!
the post is not organised and with out a clear outline because I just type it without structure.
what is in the mind, just type out so bare with my english and my randomness.....
Will try to update more frequent!!