Saturday, January 29, 2011


It is a common agreement between my friends that they agreed that Exeter is a shithole but not me. I always wondering why they like to compare Exeter to London, Birmingham, Manchester etc?
As an international student, the reason I come to study in the UK is due to it's world recognition education and also culture exchange. I do not come here for 'holiday'. I do not choose due to the popularity of the city football team. I choose Exeter because it is very English, very country-side and no high rise building. I like the campus life here where I walk to uni everyday.
My friends complained how bad Exeter is, despite they themselves studying here, isn't it funny?
if you do not like the place, leave! or don't even bother to come over at the first place. Yes, you said Warwick rejected you or UCL rejected you and that's why you ended up in Exeter. Excuse me, bare in mind, they rejected you because you are not good enough for them. You should blame yourself but not to blame at the University that you are attending. In fact, you should be grateful for them accepting. Always complaining there is nothing is Exeter, what do you want actually?
Yes, there are no branded LV, and gucci stores. But, there are other high street brands which are ample for students. Apple store, M&S, Tesco, Zara, TopShop, etc are all available. There's even a strip-club!
I personally think that that students here should stop complaining for what Exeter uni and city got to offer. If you really hate it, please piss off and if you are unable to do so, just shut up and appreciate what you've got.

I love Exeter, it is definitely not a shithole. For those backhome who doesn't know where is Exeter, please Google it.

1 comment:

RenEe said...

Yes I agree with you very much An! Sometimes I just can't bear people complaining so much about their OWN uni! The same things happened here in Portsmouth as well! But when I looked at those who complaint and complaint and complaint, it's their own fault that they choose they stay at home and not explore their own CITY! I, for one, do not find my uni boring at all. I get what I want here, life is sufficient for me. If I want to experience a busy "city" life once in a while, I can go London. Other times, I just want to be a good uni student and enjoy my campus life as much as possible, which I do all the time.

Miss you lots an! Great mind think alike :) xxxx