Saturday, April 18, 2009

Threating others well?

I found out I cannot see people making fool of other people. Or like trying to provoke people.
For example, when someone fall down, instead of helping the person, you laugh at that person and say "sorry, are you alright?(with laughing intonation)". I don't think is funny lor. It sounds like you are not sincerely concerning about the person although you are asking the person is he or she alright. I found out that was kinda mean.
I also cannot stand when people say, let's piss him off. Later, trying to say all sort of things and do all kind of stuff to make the person angry. I do not see the point of doing that lo.
Also, I do not make fun or call person in another name. I think is kinda rude to do so. Like my cousin brother used to call me "fan shu" meaning sweet potato. Or my uncle used to call me "big ass". Here, people call me Mom and threat me as one. Actually, I do not like it that way. I am Angeline. You can call me Angie. Maybe I am a little old in my group, what I see now in class or outside class is a bunch of 13-16 year old kids fooling around. Haiz!!! when they can grow up????

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