Wednesday, November 23, 2011

5 Months

5 months ago, I was in Seoul, Korea and now I am in Exeter , UK.

Things have not been going the way that I want it to be. I know I have been avoiding it all the time. I really need a push to make me at least the first move. I don't know when I can escape all from this. I do not know why, I think the self-esteem problem happen again.

I hope I will able to adjust to what I hope I will be quickly cuz I dunno how long I can stand.

Friday, June 24, 2011


More to offer, More to explore, More to see, more to play and I just aniticipating and get exciting everyday.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ayam Kambing Bag~~~

I'm coming home~ coming home~ tell the world I'm coming~~~~~~ HOME!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I logged in to Friendster after so many years. Wow, I was laughing all the way when I was reading all the testi. Suddenly, all those memories came back like "I wrote a testi for you, you write for me okay?"

All the pictures just gave me a gossebumps when I went through it. Hahaha.... those were the times before Facebook.
I looked so different 5 years ago. I was thin back then. Ah, how nice it was when I was young and naive. Now, one more year, I am going to step into the real adult life and start working. Start to think about my career, my life and family.

Wanna have a glimpse of how I look when I was 18/19? Here is it...

When I was 18. ON my birthday with Bell.

When I was 18++. Meeting with Jing En.

When I stepped into 19. Went to college.

When I was 19. Farewell trip with Lu.

When I was 19++. End of Sem dinner with Glenna.

When I was 20 years old. I was already in London, UK meeting with Renee.

Hahaha.... I looked different do I?

Friday, April 22, 2011


昨晚上网看了 ’婚前试爱‘。 最后要在ending之前, 女主角陈述了一句所谓电影里面的名句
”你爱他 就要先hurt他.因为内疚系维系爱情噶最好方法“

我听了之后第一个反应是 ”什么烂东西?“
然后再听了一下。。。。再想一想也许这就是 ”爱情“。

现代人真的缺乏安全感,又不给别人安全感。。。信任常挂在嘴边, 但多少人能的确的做到??
被信任和去信任都不是一件容易的事。有时侯明明很爱对方却表现的不在乎。有时侯不爱对方了, 因为在一起太久爱情也会变感情而感情又会变人情,给少了不好意思,给多了又觉得不值。 (也是电影的对白)


虽然一个人有时侯会寂寞。。但是, 我很享受现在的单身生活:)
我会渴望, 不会排除。

Happy Easter Day :)